The Garrigue or shrub occupies a very important part of the manacorian territory and is formed principally by wild olive bush, and in a lesser extent by rockroses, lentisk and palmetto. It crosses the whole municipal district from north to south parallel to the coastline and stretches up to llodrá´s mountain range, calicant´s Massif and great part of the seacoast.
The majority of protected species from Manacor, especially from the family of the orchids as the mirror orchid, live in this environment. The hooded snake, the weasel and the hedgehog are the most important fauna found here.
Four torrents or temporary streams are born in Manacor, which flow into the Torrent Na Borges from the East:
The trees on the shores of torrents stands out like the white poplars. In these places also reed bed is found. On stretches with almost permanent water current we can find reed mace, whose leaves are woven into chairs.