Reflecting the history of this city, and the different cultures that have gone through it, one can say that the city is an open museum, where ancient buildings coexist with the most avant-garde.
Below you can browse more information about attractions from this beautiful city and the surroundings. Explore and enjoy Valencia!
Nightlife in Valencia Nightclubs in Valencia nightlife are an important attraction for the younger tourists visiting the city.
Las Fallas Valencia Know more about the most known festival of Valencia.
Sports and leisure in Valencia Golf courses, Marinas and clubs.
Valencia gastronomy Explore the taste of the valencian gastronomy.
Valencia museums Discover the culture and history of Valencia.
Valencia festivals When and how are festivals in Valencia.
Valencia beaches Valencia has clear and fine sand beaches to enjoy.
Recommended visits:
Valencia has the largest marine park in Europe and has gaps, a dolphinarium, a huge aquarium with sharks and a tunnel.
Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias (CAC)
Phone: 902 100 031.
Built in the fifteenth century, is the most beautiful old building in the city and belongs to the UNESCO.
Plaza del Mercado
Phone: 963 525 478.
Built between the years 1262 and 1426, contains the Cathedral of the Holy Grail Cup among other treasures, and offers fantastic views of the city from its tower.
Plaza de la Reina 1
Phone: 963 918 127.
Monument of brick and iron, built in the 20s and now hosts over 1000 stalls selling a wide variety of products.
Plaza del Mercado
Phone: 963 829 101.
This is the second largest Fine Arts Museum in Spain (after the Prado), and a mixture of ancient and modern works by many of the best painters of Spain.
Calle San Pío V
Phone: 963 605 793.
Attraction type: Architectural building; Historic site
Attraction type: Park, Aquarium, Theater, Science museum and Town center/square/plaza.
Attraction type: Tour
Attraction type: Group tour/boat
Attraction type: Tram
Attraction type: Art museum; Specialty museum
Attraction type: Architectural building; Theater
Attraction type: Park
Attraction type: Bridge
Attraction type: Wharf/pier/boardwalk
Attraction type: Place of worship; Historic site; Architectural building
Attraction type: Art museum
Attraction type: Government building; Architectural building
Gutemberg, 12 (Valencia)
963 924 271
Roger de Flor, 17 (Valencia)
963 922 023
Landerer, 5 (Valencia)
963 912 442
Crta. Barquero, 17 (Valencia)
963 759 643
Fco. Baldomá, 69 (Valencia)
963 724 499
Avda.Blasco Ibaez, 28 (Valencia)
963 864 230
Vivons, 21 (Valencia)
963 737 779
Los Ángeles, 33 (Valencia)
963 562 292
Barón de San Petrillo, 34 (Valencia)
963 690 729
Guillem de Castro, 73 (Valencia)
963 920 786
San Vicente Martir, 44 (Valencia)
963 517 315
Barcas, 15 (Valencia)
963 539 200
Pl. del Ayuntamiento, 17 (Valencia)
963 539 299
Caballeros, 31 (Valencia)
963 912 920
Crta. Nazaret - Oliva (Valencia)
961 738 052
Teodoro Llorente, 227 Pto. Sagunto (Valencia)
962 689 919
Pl. Europa, Xirivella (Valencia)
963 835 492
Pintor Genaro Lahuerta (Valencia)
963 600 822
External Valencia attractions links: