We have shown some indoubtedly important reference points. In fact, these are the ones most normally found on a sightseeing tour, however Granada also has other magical places to get away from it all. One can lose oneself, for example, in the paseo de los Tristes, cross the bridge in the direction of the Rey Chico and from there, walk up to the fuente del Avellano through a type of glaced Arcadia. There is surely no other stroll in the world so shaded, leafy and, as the sun brushes the trees, so redolent of green.
From this part of the river one can also climb up to the Alhambra via its natural and most ancient access point, the puerta de Armas. Although continuing your walk up the cuesta de los Chinos will not disappoint, leading as it does to a place without equal outside Granada, la Mimbre.
Beyond the city of Granada itself, a visit to nearby Fuentevaqueros is worthwhile, here you can visit Lorca's birthplace and get to know the magical countryside of the vega (Granada's plain): the poplars recalling verses from fortgotten poems or the disquieting architecture of the tobacco drying sheds. Once more in the city of Granada, fans of Lorca will want to visit the huerta de San Vicente (his Granada home) as well as Víznar, complete with the famous ravine where the poet met his death, nearby is Aynadamar, a spring which seems to shed tears of pearl.
From the very centre of the city, stroll down to the carrera de la Virgen de las Angustias, Granada's undisputed patron saint, before reaching the boulevards of the Salón and la Bomba which, following the river Genil, lead to the start of the road to the mountains and the puente Verde.
Having crossed the river in the other direction, the Violón boulevard maintains a paradoxical vision of an old public washing place sitting opposite the ultra-modern palacio de Congresos. A few away and almost lost within the modern buildings which sourround it, one finds the hermita de San Sebastián, an ancient Muslim monastery and the Arab palace of Alcázar Genil.
What effort it takes for the light to leave Granada!
It weaves between the cypresses of conceals itself under water.
- Federico García Lorca -