La Cala Holidays

La Cala is a town where the festivities have a really predominant role. The Main PatronSaint Festivities, in the honour of the Virgin of the Suffrage and Saint james the Apostle, together with the many celebrations held throughout the year are a real attraction for all those visiting us.


November Festes Majors Patronals the main festivities are going to be our starting point for this run through all the town´s celebrations.

The patron saint festivities in honour of the Virgin of the Surffage and Saint James the Apostle are the most important of all those held in La Cala. From the second Saturday in November to the following Wednesday there are five days of intense activity.

The most outstanding acts are the staging of the finding of the Virgin, the flower offering the comic parade, the parade of floats and the great fireworks castle which takes place on the Wednesday the last day of the festivities.

Festa de la Carxofa this very popular festivity takes place during the third weekend in November in the old quarter.


The Christmas Festivity programme offers several acts, between the 20th and 31st of December. The Crib contests and the Christmas cultural programmes are the most outstanding. To end the yar nothing better than the New year´s Eve Party which is traditionally held in front of the clock of the triangular square, on 31st December music and Champagne providing the entertaintment.


Cabalgata de Reyes 5 january


Fallas, the valencian festivity par excellence is held in La Cala from 16 march to 19 march the festivity of Saint Joseph. There are three falla commissions: Centre Falla, Corner Falla and Els Tolls Falla, which are in charge of planting their figures in the respective districts. Processions, offering and street entertaintment are the most significant acts the festivity coming to an end with the Bonfire (cremá) on the 19th march.


Hogueras de San Juan. The Bonfire of the La Cala the bonfire of the Market and the Bonfire of El Campo exhibit their bonfires for several and the acts reach their climax with the nit del foc or burning of the bonfires on 24 june festivity of Saint John.


During the month of august due to the absence of festivities, the town council of La Cala carries out a great variety of cultural activities, included in the so – called cultural summer. These activities are held in the Park of L´ Aigüera in the auditoriums: Julio Iglesias and Oscar Esplá.


Moros y Cristianos during the last weekend in September La Cala celebrates the moors and Christians festivities. The entry the processions the embassy or parliament and the disembarkation are the most representative acts of this festivity which is so deeply rooted in the whole Spanish Levante.

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