The average temperature in Costa Brava during the year is 21 ºC with around 320 sunny days per year, which give you a good idea of how stable the weather is. These conditions are rarely found in any other part of the world.
Live Girona weather and temperature below, is updated every few minutes from Girona airport.
GIRONA WEATHERThe weather in Girona is pleasant most of the year. However, you will have the best weather from May to late July if you are looking for sun and beach in Girona; September is also a good month with less tourism; August can be hot during the day (sometimes reaches 34 ° C, 95F), so if you like saunas, then this is the season for you!.
The weather in October and November is still pleasant but starting to get a little cooler (21 °C down to 15 °C, 69 to 59F). You will not have bright sunny weather every day after the summer season, so expect a little rain.
Winter Weather From November to February temperatures are colder and vary around 12 °C or 53F. Not much tends to rain here during the winter, so even though it is colder, there will be many sunny days. But be prepared for the cloudy and rainy weather too. It's a matter of pure luck!
Below you can see the average Girona temperature (both in Celsius and Fahrenheit) per month.
7°C |
8°C |
10°C |
12°C |
16°C |
20°C |
23°C |
23°C |
20°C |
16°C |
11°C |
8°C |
45°F |
46°F |
50°F |
54°F |
61°F |
68°F |
73°F |
73°F |
68°F |
61°F |
52°F |
46°F |
Remember that temperatures in the above table are average temperatures and may vary slightly.
Below you will find a selection of useful links related to weather in Girona, in the case that you want to see the last update of the Girona climate:
Girona weather forecast: